Friday, August 22, 2008

Love it or Rate it - WWW.TAC.TV

Can you resist TAC.TV? The much-anticipated English version reached out to the English-speaking world a couple of days ago! You can now view 12 English adaptations of the most popular ones familiar in Quebec including the Frogs, Johnny boy phone conversation, the Vikings, and the Martians. It's totally insane!

Official site:

The characters will be voiced by actor Bruce Dinsmore (Quebec-based actor, originally from Vancouver, British Colombia) who acted in film, radio and television.

More than 520 million hits.
Since the launch of TAC exactly 2 years ago, mainly francophone viewers have visited the French version

So go ahead and find out what the heck makes the French go crazy with these short clips. Subscribe to the newsletter which will inform you when a new clip will be added every week and watch the latest TAC clip on your mobile phone a week in advance.

View the Ads that successfully aired in the US for Vertigo pops. You can also personalize your phone with video ringtones, caller ring tunes, ringtones and screensavers in the "Extras" tab.

Enjoy and share with your friends on Facebook either on your FunWall or simply create the Share Bookmarklet.

Don't forget to vote!

Friday, May 23, 2008 to launch English site !

Finally, the OFFICIAL SITE will be WWW.TAC.TV.

I have been "blogging" for this day to arrive for more than a year!


May 22, 2008 | By Matt Semansky, the French-language humour website created by former Publicis Montreal creative director Michel Beaudet, should have an English version to coincide with its two-year anniversary this August. consists of 100 short clips that combine animated clay figures and video skits created and voiced by Beaudet. The French site has enjoyed robust growth since launching two years ago; it gets about 1.2 million unique visitors per month, and its content is available on mobile phones in Quebec and France. The clips have also been compiled onto two DVD volumes.

According to Simon Parizeau, studio director for Beaudet’s Salambo Productions, the English site—which will be—will mainly feature adapted versions of previously produced clips at launch. He believes that the style of humour will translate well to English-speaking audiences.

“The important thing is to work with the English writers and get feedback,” said Parizeau. “But I think we have clips that can be very international.”

Catalina Briceno, head of operations for Salambo Productions, said that viewers connect to the material because its characters, while absurdly rendered with outsized eyes and facial features, strike a chord of familiarity.

“They can recognize some characters’ personalities from either themselves or people they know,” she said. “We’re taking those universal character traits so everyone feels they can engage with these characters.”

Parizeau believes that the level of engagement that fans have with is attractive to advertisers, as is its broad demographic appeal. “We skew younger, but it also works for families,” he said.

Salambo and the Olive Canada Network, which handles sales for and, are searching for advertisers to support the English version of the site. Bell Canada and General Motors are among the advertisers on the original French site.

Briceno said a variety of opportunities are available for advertisers, who can buy traditional leader board and big box space on the site as well as license characters for use in campaigns.

Originally published in Marketing Magazine, May 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Tetes a claques team celebrated when their first DVD sold over 100,000 copies since its release in October 2007. In january 2008, Salambo Productions signed a three-year deal with Radio-Canada (French version of CBC) for the first 45 videos produced (the same ones as the DVD) and aired daily in December and January 20, 2008. It was a first in the world with television since Canal+ , a cryped site in France, did not start until January. A documentary on the extent of the success of the Têtes à claques will be also produced in association with MC2 Communications Media and will be produced by Jean-Simon Chartier.

English is definitely part of the formula in their hot pursuit to enter the world market.


Monday, October 22, 2007

Here's Johnny!

Here' s Johnny Boy and Cécile!

Snap shot of the exclusive clip of Johnny Boy and Cécile. One of the bonus feature available on the DVD. Never seen before picture of Johnny Boy and Cécile taking a bath. Guess who's calling?

To view the two interviews of Michel Beaudet, soon to be father for the second time, promoting the release of his DVD click here.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hot New Release DVD - October 23, 2007


Watch it on your TV! DVD Têtes à Claques Vol. 1

Over-the-top "must have" christmas gift item that consumers just won't do without! The box set stores the first 45 clips of the populare site (now up to 70) including Uncle Tom and his Willy Waller, Halloween, Raoul and the remainder of the gang. Exclusive new unreleased videos of Johnny Boy and Cécile, the history of Têtes à claques, character bios, and ENGLISH SUBTITLES, and many more goodies! THAT'S AMAZING!

The Têtes à claques DVD was developed for storing the collectible videos since clips will be selected and removed from the site. A maximum of 60 clips will remain at all time on the site, however, every time a new one will be added another one will be removed amongst the first 45 sketches created. The ones that significantly received less votes and have a low ranking in comparison to the others will be deleted.

The DVD is produced by Salambo Productions and is also available in France. The clips will be viewed on French pay television Canal+ in January 2008.

To Pre-order your copy click here:
Tetesaclaques Boutique

This will be the hot new item to make it home in Quebec for christmas. It's a relatively rare phenomenon when one item takes shoppers by storm, sending parents scurrying near and far to find a store that's not out of stock of that magical gift. Remember the Cabbage Patch Kids of 1984, Tickle Me Elmo in 1996 and the Furby animals of 1998?

Monday, October 8, 2007

Wrap it up, I'll take it! Tetesaclaques Car.

A combination of product placement, buzz (word of mouth), internet and digital media. All these marketing tools offer the opportunity to communicate and Michel Beaudet knows the formula to capture attention with promotions that are superior with maximum impact.

Benoit Viau in front of the special automobile wrapped at the Grafikart Tradeshow, Place Bonaventure, Montréal, Québec, back in April. «I was going there to give training on digital printing and vinyl graphic installation on cars. When I arrived, they told me that I would have a surprise on Saturday», says the digital graphics artist from Des Ruisseaux, Québec. Both creators of Têtes à claques were there to make a big order; to have a car wrapped up with some of their very famous characters. Both preferred not to be taken in photo wanting to be left behind the scene. «It's one of them who took the picture with me next to the car. If you notice on top of the door, I wasn't done with the wrapping». Article translated from L'Echo de la Lièvre.

A Collector's Item? Will it be for sale on E-Bay?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

New Vertigo Candies TV Commercials

View the 3 new 15 seconds English Vertigo clips... The Wood Peckers vs. The Croc, The Family Feud, and Los Tres Hombres Con Sombreros clips right here on

Têtes à Claques animation appears for the 2nd time in American and Canadian TV commercials and are selling once again Half Crazy Half Chocolate Vertigo Pops.

The first 3 clips were aired back in March 2007 with the intention of releasing 3 more. Well, here they are. These clips have also recently aired on YTV. Vertigo updated their site today with these 3 new clips which will be aired on Jungle Channel, Fiesta Channel, and Dysfunction TV.

Once again it's HILARIOUS!

It's totally insane!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Boutique Têtes à Claques on-line store

Girls and Guys check it out! New on-line store directly on Têtes à claques website. Go shopping online.

New funny T-shirts available for the whole family. The online catalog carries funny and hard to find Têtes à claques Tees that are not sold in stores such as Zellers, Aubainerie, etc.

The shop offers a limited variety of choice in comparison to what can be found in stores. No doubt though that it will expand to more than Tees!

Visit the Boutique here.

Need help deciding which one to buy?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

SFR Marketing and Têtes à claques Animation

"On les a entendus à la radio et vus dans les salles de cinéma. Ils s'affichent désormais en format géant sur les panneaux publicitaires, les abribus, les autobus, sur les portes automatiques à la sortie du métro, sur des cartes postales et même en terrasse sur les tables des bistrots parisiens."

We hear it everyday that France is being bombarded with various marketing tools used by SFR to promote its new site çavaouatcher. Têtes à claques animation is quite visible everywhere. After quite an extensive search on the net, here are a few pictures found in France's bus shelters, bistrots*, and the métro (subway). SFR is also using streetmarketing to promote its wireless company.

Large billboards in the halls and exits of the métro.

* A Bistrot (which apparently means "quick" in Russian) is the French equivalent to the English pub or the American diner.

Thanks to for some of these pictures.

You are invited to share your pictures of Têtes à claques paraphenalia on this blog. Please send your photos to

Stay tuned for the next post: Têtes à claques automobile, the car that is going around Gatineau, Quebec.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Têtes_à_Claques Videos in France!

Michel Beaudet, ''You're the Man! The Man is in the House. It's totally insane''!

C'est un fait accompli. L'animation des Têtes à Claques est présentement transporté en France. (Yes, yes, a bit of French for the French visitors, c'est vraiment sharp!)

Smart Move
Just in time for the celebration of the first anniversary of Têtes à Claques, Michel Beaudet has successfully exported his animations to France. It is the result of partnerships with SFR and Dailymotion, a social video site based out of Paris that offers a mix of both amateur and professional content.

To view the funny site:

''SFR Unlimited Text Messaging Young Generation...Attention ça va Watcher''
That is the new slogan used to promote SFR, French mobile phone company (originally Société Française de Radiotéléphonie) national leader in telecommunications, with 18 million client connections across France. It offers a long-range of portable devices used for mobile communication including telephone services, wireless communications, text messaging, etc. SFR is for France what Sympatico/ portal is to Canadians.

SFR is promoting its tetesaclaques mobile products with a contest to win a Trip to Canada for two or to win T-Shirts starting August 25, 2007.

Imagine that? A guide has been created as an interpretation tool to help better understand the language used in the tetesaclaques videos. The Glossary contains French Quebec terminology vs France terminology... sort of a French-English dictionnary but it is a French-French dictionnary!