Sunday, May 6, 2007

Click Master? Interview with Reader's Digest

Thanks to Webmomma for the great snap
shot of the back cover of this month's issue
of the Sélection du Reader's Digest. May 2007.
Original photo by: Stéphane Najman.

I was very excited when I noticed the back cover of the Sélection du Reader's Digest yesterday at Loblaws...

Interview with Têtes à Claques!
Michel Beaudet with the recognisable fake, grotesque teeth, which he puts in while his face is being filmed. So many offers "even dentists have proposed dentures for my clay characters".

''Everyone knew that Internet would eventually surpass television, however, that was only an hypothesis; there was no precedent. Today, it is proven; Têtes à claques has the largest audience ratings in French in Canada.

"We have over 3,000,000 unic visitors per month, which means 3 million people visit the site at least once a month. It is more than any tv show''.

The above picture first published on this blog!

Picture p. 83 Têtes à clics.

Sélection du Reader's Digest. May 2007.

Full French interview available on Sélection du Reader's Digest web site.

What do you think, great picture or what?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You think you can get some more?